2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
| 2024
24.2 Deer abundance and vegetation impact post-control survey 2023, Tarago Reservoir Catchment. |
24.3 Understanding the role of small headwater streams in urbanizing catchments for supporting waterway health. |
24.4 Functional indicators of waterway ecological health to support strategic waterway management. |
24.6 Deer control effectiveness at the Cardinia, Silvan and Upper Yarra water supply reservoirs 2022–2024. |
24.7 Ecohydrology assessment and recommendations for Barak Creek and associated floodplains at Nangenala. |
24.8 Improving digital citizen science by learning from volunteer practices in biodiversity monitoring. |
24.9 Distribution and drivers of instream vegetation across the Port Philip and Westernport region. |
23.1 Stormwater infiltration: insights and guidance from 10 years of research. |
23.2 Restoring the health of urban streams through stormwater management: A synthesis of the Little Stringybark and Dobsons Creek research projects. |
23.3 Yellingbo vegetation monitoring: review, workshop and recommendations. |
23.4 Cross Sections & Dimensions 1.0 (User Manual). |
23.6 Billabongs of the lower Birrarung: vegetation responses to flooding 2020–23. |
23.7 Cockatoo Swamp Vegetation Monitoring 2015–2023. |
23.8 Assessment of deer control effectiveness at the Cardinia, Silvan and Upper Yarra water supply reservoirs. |
23.9 Community engagement with public blue and green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Melbourne. . |
23.10 Sediment load monitoring of urbanizing areas in Westernport catchment. |
23.12 Re-running Habitat Suitability Models with Updated Climate-impacted Projections and Other Scenarios of Interest. |
23.13 Re-running Habitat Suitability Models with Works-to-Date and Ten-year Planned Works. |
22.1 Guidelines for undertaking the Restoration Outcomes Monitoring Protocol (ROMP). |
22.2 Deer density and vegetation impact pre-control survey, Tarago Reservoir Catchment. |
22.3 Deer impacts on the vegetation composition and structure of wet forests in the Yarra Ranges. |
22.4 Billabongs of the lower Birrarung: vegetation responses to flooding. |
22.5 A new dataset for designating headwater streams in the Port Phillip and Westernport region. |
22.6 Field validation of dSedNET gully mapping for the Westernport catchment. |
22.7 Cockatoo Creek: instream structure conceptual design investigation. |
22.8 Assessing the vulnerability of key re-vegetation species to changing climate based on statistical and mechanistic species distribution modelling. |
22.9 Cockatoo Swamp Vegetation Monitoring 2006–2022. |
22.10 Factors influencing the water level regime and vegetation cover in constructed stormwater wetlands in Melbourne. |
22.11 LiDAR-derived vegetation metrics for efficient multisite vegetation structure assessment. |
22.13 Knowledge sharing with Traditional Owners in waterways research: A library of resources. |
22.14 Update of Waterbodies Spatial Data Infrastructure and Frog Habitat Suitability Models for Healthy Waterways Strategy 2018 Mid-term Review. |
21.1 A Review of the Melbourne Water Riparian Vegetation Works Monitoring Method: Effectively monitoring interventions into the future. |
21.2 Cockatoo Swamp Monitoring Program 2015–2021: Vegetation response to hydrology works. |
21.3 Towards a time-series of total and effective impervious data. |
21.4 Billabongs of the lower Birrarung: native wetland vegetation responses to watering 2020/21. |
20.1 The Melbourne Water macroinvertebrate database. |
20.2 Billabongs of the lower Birrarung: native wetland vegetation responses to watering |
20.3 Habitat Suitability Models, Scenarios and Quantitative Action Prioritisation (using Zonation) for the Healthy Waterways Strategy 2018: A Resource Document |
20.4 Are current deer control programs effectively reducing deer densities and impacts on native vegetation? |
20.5 Yellingbo instream structure investigation |
20.7 Managing deer impacts within the Melbourne Water region. |
20.8 Cockatoo Swamp Monitoring Program 2015–2020: vegetation response to hydrology works |
20.9 Review of knowledge on the effectiveness of non-lethal deer impact mitigation strategies. |
20.10 Multiple vegetation benefits of Macclesfield Creek floodplain engagement works. |
20.11 Deer impacts on three-year-old revegetation following fence removal. |
19.1 Sediment budgets: identifying major sources and fate of sediments in streams, wetlands, estuaries and bays to inform management opportunities (literature review) |
19.2 Cockatoo Swamp Monitoring Program 2015–2019: Early vegetation response to hydrology works |
19.3 Predicting geomorphic disturbance and stream channel change in urban catchments [DRAFT] |
19.4 Melbourne Water Stream Network – Version 1.0 |
19.5 Predicting deer impacts in riparian areas |
19.6 Stormwater Management to Protect Streams: Workshop Report on a Systems Thinking and Mapping Workshop (held 20 Nov 2019) |
19.7 Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) for Streams of the Melbourne Water Region: A Discussion Paper |
18.1 Cockatoo Swamp Inundation Modelling: Final Report, 2018. |
18.2 Engaging communities with catchment thinking in an urban context. |
18.3 Community experiences of volunteer work in waterway management. |
18.4 Cockatoo Swamp Monitoring Program 2015–2018: baseline and trial pumping data. |
18.5 Direct Seeding Research Project: Progress Report, 2018. |
17.1 Baseline assessment of floodplain vegetation at Barak (formerly Picaninny) Creek, Coranderrk Bushland Reserve. |
17.2 Cockatoo Swamp Vegetation Condition Monitoring Program 2015–2017: baseline data. |
17.3 Seaford Wetlands Vegetation Monitoring Program: final report on Phragmites expansion and control. |
17.4 Direct Seeding Research Project: Progress Report, 2017. |
16.1 The feasibility of maintaining ecologically and geomorphically important elements of the natural flow regime in the context of a superabundance of flow: Stage 2 – McMahons Creek study. |
16.2 Direct Seeding Research Project: Progress Report, September 2016. |
16.3 Seaford Wetlands Vegetation Monitoring Program: report on Phragmites expansion and control. |
16.4 Cockatoo Swamp Vegetation Condition Monitoring Program 2015–2016: baseline data. |
16.5 Community Values for Melbourne Water’s Urban Waterway assets. |
15.1 Low-flow hydrology in the Melbourne Water management region. |
15.2 Flow regime prediction for the Merri Creek Catchment. |
15.3 Proposed Vegetation Condition Monitoring Program for the Cockatoo Swamp. |
15.4 Seaford Wetlands Vegetation Monitoring Program: report on Phragmites expansion and control. |
15.5An assessment of revegetation trials at the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve. |
15.6 Constructed stormwater wetlands literature review, MUSIC uncertainty assessment and study of Melbourne Water’s guidelines and procedures. |
15.7 Cockatoo Swamp Vegetation Condition Monitoring Program: baseline data. |
15.8 Direct seeding research trials: progress report October 2015. |
14.1 Feasibility and cost of stormwater management for stream protection at property, street and precinct scales. |
14.2 Direct seeding as a revegetation technique in riparian areas: A review. |
14.3 Investigation into the water regime requirements of Eucalyptus camphora subsp. humeana (Mountain Swamp Gum). |
14.4 Yarra River direct seeding trial: Final report. |
14.5 The feasibility of maintaining ecologically and geomorphically important elements of the natural flow regime in the context of a superabundance of flow: Stage 1 – Kororoit Creek study. |
14.6 Assessment of revegetation success at the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve. |
14.7 Seaford Wetlands Monitoring Program: report on first ‘after’ survey and photo-point monitoring. |
14.8 Preliminary report on macroinvertebrate assemblages of Pyrites and Goodmans Creek in relation to the management of Merrimu Reservoir: patterns in 2013 in early stages of flow manipulation. |
14.9 Environmental Watering Objectives for the Cockatoo Swamp. |
14.10 Flow regime prediction for the Merri Creek Catchment. |
14.11 Determination of hydrologic characteristics of un-gauged stream reaches of the Merri Creek Catchment. |
13.1 Predicting stream macroinvertebrate assemblage composition as a function of land use, physiography and climate: a guide for strategic planning for river and water management in the Melbourne Water management region. |
13.2 Possible ecological futures for Merri and Darebin creeks. |
13.3 Seaford Wetlands monitoring program: report on quadrat ‘before’ surveys and photo-point monitoring. |